Thank you for reading this blog. This blog theme is to inform you that I think it's important about japanese books, how to study english for japanese people, how to study Physics and Mathematics for a beginning learner and so on.By the way, I am a beginning learner of English. So, I will probably be mistaken about using grammer and spelling and so on. please tell me about this sentence.
Hi, nice to meet you. My name is moyo. I'm currently studying physics, mathematics, patent and trademark, computer programming. I was majoring in Cultural Anthropology from 2015 to 2019. However, I am interested in science and technology.My skills are
Urasenke(is one of various schools of tea ceremony)
eiken pre1
2rd grade Certified Specialist of Intellectual Property Manegement(administration)
Intellectual Property Analyst certified by Association of Intellectual Property Education
I was majoring in Cultural Anthropology in university. I was interested in Japanese mythology, Japanese history, Japanese folklore and so on. As I was reading about these books, I was satisfied. I get bored of things very easily.At that time, I lost my way. I did not know that I wantted to do. However, fortunately, I was got an opportunity which I would know patent attorney. I was attracted to my heart becuse this occupation have to study law and science technology forever. And, From the influence of my brother who was majoring in telecommunications and information science, I was intrested in these technology.
Then, I made up my mind. First, I decided to study science technology in university. So, I took an entrance examination. Fortunately, I passed tokyo university of science. Second, I decided to study patent attorney examination.
In the future, I want to become a patent attorney. As a patent attorney, I want to protect Japanese technology and want to contribute to the development of japanese industry.For that reason, I have to study hard everyday.
Thank you for reading. Good Luck!
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